A.I. Wars (The Insect Mind) Monthly Tournament Results
This Tactical Neuronics hosted monthly A.I. Wars Tournament will be ran during the 1st week of each month. All Cybugs in the A.I. Library will be entered unless they are strict Queens or team specific queen guards, drones from the standard set, superseded by a newer version, or broken. we will do our best to make these determinations, if you have a specific request regarding the removal or replacement of a Cybug please email John.Reder@TacticalNeuronics.com.
This tournament uses the Standard Tournament Mode from within the game. Cybug 'IFF Codes' are disabled, 'Blood Mode' is enabled. Fuel to score Bonus is enabled. A 500 click limit per battle is enforced. The Map used is 'corners.map'. Cybugs are grouped at random for each battle. The winners move on to fight each other in subsequent battles. Ranked winners are pulled from the final battle results.
To enter, simply upload your Cybug to the A.I. Library or email it to John.Reder@TacticalNeuronics.com.
Date Processed: 04-06-2024
Winner Rankings | Cybug Name | Author |
1st Place |
eBugV1.3 |
Dustin Smith |
2nd Place |
Goliath |
Dumbo |
3rd Place |
GAnyMEdeS |
Paul Nomikos |
4th Place |
The_Adapt |
Author Unknown |
5th Place |
Cautious |
Nico |
6th Place |
Skorpitro |
Slaytanist |
Battles Processed: 16
Participants: 126
Cybug Name |
A.I. File |
Battle Reference |
Author |
Sum of Battle Scores |
Tournament Score |
eBugV1.3 |
ebugv1.3.ai |
16 ,10 |
Dustin Smith |
2931 |
11000 |
1 |
1 |
Goliath |
goliath.ai |
16 ,15 ,5 |
Dumbo |
3451 |
11000 |
4 |
19 |
GAnyMEdeS |
ganymedes_v2_86.ai |
16 ,11 |
Paul Nomikos |
2818 |
9000 |
2 |
6 |
The_Adapt |
the_adaptor.ai |
16 ,12 |
Author Unknown |
1990 |
8000 |
3 |
Cautious |
super.ai |
16 ,13 |
Nico |
1529 |
7000 |
2 |
Skorpitro |
skorp1_0.ai |
16 ,14 |
Slaytanist |
2477 |
6000 |
4 |
19 |
S.C. II |
schrödinger's cat2.5.ai |
15 ,2 |
Robert Jessop |
4819 |
1900 |
12 |
19 |
Mushu_v0. |
mushu_v1.0.ai |
15 ,8 |
Isamoor |
2370 |
1800 |
1 |
7 |
BGS/2j |
bgs2j.ai |
15 ,4 |
Vidar Braut Haarr |
2817 |
1700 |
2 |
13 |
BugBait |
bugbait1_1.ai |
15 ,3 |
Jason Hect |
2189 |
1600 |
2 |
13 |
Wōlverļne |
wolverine!.ai |
15 ,1 |
PWRDrill |
1870 |
1500 |
9 |
Killer |
killer.ai |
15 ,7 |
David Parks |
1686 |
1400 |
4 |
D'n'C |
dazednconfused_15.0_rv.ai |
15 ,6 |
Simon Collins |
2649 |
1300 |
3 |
15 |
Switcher |
switcher_v1.ai |
15 ,9 |
Vusak |
1466 |
1200 |
1 |
10 |
Torque |
torque3b.ai |
14 |
Shea Parkes |
1177 |
900 |
3 |
19 |
GrassHopr |
grasshopper1_2.ai |
13 |
Jason Hect |
1181 |
900 |
6 |
14 |
Bryan Bug |
bbug.ai |
12 |
Bryan Tarr |
1237 |
900 |
1 |
8 |
Speedy |
speedy.ai |
11 |
Dumbo |
1389 |
900 |
5 |
7 |
Id |
id.ai |
10 |
Nait Padilla |
1634 |
900 |
1 |
9 |
Mantis3 |
mantis3.ai |
9 |
Devon Ellis |
582 |
900 |
4 |
16 |
Ant-Warri |
ant-warrior.ai |
8 |
Reinier van de Ruit |
994 |
900 |
1 |
7 |
Spectre |
spectre.ai |
7 |
Spectre |
1469 |
900 |
5 |
Assassin |
assassin3.1.ai |
6 |
Robert Jessop |
1565 |
900 |
6 |
21 |
raptor v.0.2.ai |
5 |
Crow |
1291 |
900 |
1 |
12 |
S.A.M._1. |
sam_1.3.ai |
4 |
Reinier van de Ruit |
1125 |
900 |
2 |
13 |
Reaper |
reaper_5.ai |
3 |
James Press |
1190 |
900 |
9 |
12 |
Economix |
economix.ai |
2 |
Shea Parkes |
596 |
900 |
1 |
Wraith |
wraith.ai |
1 |
X |
1187 |
900 |
1 |
Ghost |
ghost.ai |
14 |
Ghost |
601 |
800 |
1 |
6 |
Sniper2 |
sniper2.ai |
13 |
Alpha Squad |
631 |
800 |
4 |
uBugMeFri |
ubugmefriend.ai |
12 |
Jeff K |
595 |
800 |
1 |
Scarab |
scarab19.ai |
11 |
Reinier van de Ruit |
1290 |
800 |
1 |
5 |
Bombex |
bombex.ai |
10 |
SSL Surge |
1570 |
800 |
6 |
Demon |
demon.ai |
9 |
Dustin Hamilton |
499 |
800 |
2 |
Noderunne |
noderun9.ai |
8 |
Slaytanist |
490 |
800 |
5 |
14 |
Fol-4 |
fol-4.ai |
7 |
Francois Tremblay |
1081 |
800 |
1 |
Dummheit |
dummheit.ai |
6 |
Nait Padilla |
390 |
800 |
2 |
suraj |
suraj.ai |
5 |
SUjit RAJ |
883 |
800 |
11 |
16 |
Cheetah3 |
cheetah3.ai |
4 |
Devon Ellis |
591 |
800 |
9 |
15 |
Solvent |
solvento.ai |
3 |
Shea Parkes |
942 |
800 |
2 |
7 |
Chaos2 |
chaos2.ai |
2 |
Tony Dwyer |
581 |
800 |
4 |
S.W.³°°° |
sidewinder3000.ai |
1 |
Omega1989 |
1099 |
800 |
8 |
Roadster |
roadster.ai |
14 |
Shea Parkes |
493 |
700 |
1 |
4 |
S.C. III |
sc31b.ai |
13 |
Robert Jessop |
504 |
700 |
10 |
22 |
Raven |
raven.ai |
12 |
Crow |
390 |
700 |
2 |
10 |
Valkyrie |
valkyrie.ai |
11 |
X |
612 |
700 |
3 |
13 |
MELlive.S |
mellive.ai |
10 |
Marty E. Lawson |
1545 |
700 |
1 |
7 |
Una |
una.ai |
9 |
Niall |
335 |
700 |
5 |
M.A.X.4 |
max4.ai |
8 |
Reinier van de Ruit |
389 |
700 |
3 |
Prot0type |
prototype0.ai |
7 |
Alan J. Kettley |
290 |
700 |
3 |
turtle1b |
turtleb.ai |
6 |
Ted Mitchell+ |
-11 |
700 |
8 |
Tweety |
tweety.ai |
5 |
Abomb |
390 |
700 |
12 |
Robot Rem |
robotremote.ai |
4 |
John Reder |
499 |
700 |
1 |
Goliathm3 |
goliath mark 3.ai |
3 |
Lucas |
671 |
700 |
3 |
Killit |
team killit.ai |
2 |
Nutty |
407 |
700 |
Raate |
raate.ai |
1 |
Raven Suominen |
390 |
700 |
9 |
hider2 |
hider.ai |
14 |
Steven Mast |
139 |
600 |
6 |
combat007 |
gaurish007.ai |
13 |
gaurish |
438 |
600 |
7 |
Taco |
taco.ai |
12 |
Rick Andrasek |
283 |
600 |
1 |
14 |
HunterX |
hunterx.ai |
11 |
The Ghost Riders |
189 |
600 |
primal |
primal.ai |
10 |
steven mast |
490 |
600 |
4 |
bsd_v1.ai |
9 |
Isamoor |
247 |
600 |
2 |
Firebug2 |
firebug2.ai |
8 |
Local_16 |
-9 |
600 |
Louhi |
louhi.ai |
7 |
Raven Suominen |
139 |
600 |
6 |
Prototype |
prototype.ai |
6 |
Alan J. Kettley |
-113 |
600 |
ATOM (Adv |
atomver2.0.ai |
5 |
Andrew |
-13 |
600 |
1 |
Hybrit Le |
tournamenthyrbrit.ai |
4 |
Alexis von Blumenthal |
-10 |
600 |
Chancey |
random.ai |
3 |
Anybody |
499 |
600 |
1 |
BA |
ba v1.0.ai |
2 |
CannibalSmith |
81 |
600 |
2 |
escapee.ai |
1 |
Tony Dwyer bdwyer@prodigy.net |
287 |
600 |
3 |
Torque3 |
torque35.ai |
14 |
Shea Parkes |
-9 |
500 |
2 |
17 |
Sniffy6 |
sniffy6.ai |
14 |
Martin Oehlbaum |
-9 |
500 |
8 |
NCC-1701- |
ncc-1701-b.ai |
13 |
Marco Bresciani |
326 |
500 |
1 |
2 |
Ant-Guard |
ant-guard.ai |
12 |
Reinier van de Ruit |
40 |
500 |
[NT]Turri |
turrican.ai |
11 |
Ashley Rolleston |
169 |
500 |
1 |
2 |
injector |
injector_bh.ai |
10 |
Sergei P. Shuvalkin |
122 |
500 |
3 |
Novbot-5 |
novbot-5.ai |
9 |
Francois Tremblay |
-62 |
500 |
Killme |
killme.ai |
8 |
Simon Collins |
-10 |
500 |
3 |
bezerker |
bezerker.ai |
7 |
Tony Dwyer |
138 |
500 |
1 |
Aghny |
aghny.ai |
6 |
Aghny |
-164 |
500 |
2 |
6 |
Kyle |
kyle2.ai |
5 |
Dumbo |
-16 |
500 |
1 |
1 |
SamusAran |
armcannon.ai |
4 |
Alan J. Kettley |
-16 |
500 |
1 |
ultraMEL. |
ultramel.ai |
3 |
Marty E. Lawson |
85 |
500 |
5 |
MacroBot |
macro2.ai |
2 |
Tim Rafuse |
-11 |
500 |
3 |
Scorpion |
scorpion.ai |
1 |
Vidar Braut Haarr |
81 |
500 |
7 |
15 |
Prey |
prey.ai |
14 |
Kyle Hatcher |
-113 |
400 |
2 |
Häjy |
häjy.ai |
13 |
Hawk Artificials |
189 |
400 |
1 |
6 |
Kamikaze |
kamikaze v0.1.2.ai |
12 |
Nutty |
17 |
400 |
1 |
3 |
GenoCyde |
genocyde.ai |
11 |
[KrazY_IvaN] |
-9 |
400 |
1 |
fighter |
fighter.ai |
10 |
P-nut |
-266 |
400 |
1 |
[NT]Parac |
paracy.ai |
9 |
Ashley Rolleston |
-63 |
400 |
1 |
2 |
Hacker1 |
hacker1.ai |
8 |
Nico |
-64 |
400 |
Seeker |
seeker mini 1.3.ai |
7 |
Martin C. |
131 |
400 |
3 |
Hemuli |
hemuli.ai |
6 |
Jukio Kallio |
-215 |
400 |
1 |
Ultimo 5 |
ultimo5.ai |
5 |
Local_16 |
-163 |
400 |
thunderdr |
thunderdrone 1.5.ai |
4 |
Sjoerd Tel |
-109 |
400 |
6 |
Borg |
borg.ai |
3 |
Robert Jessop |
-10 |
400 |
1 |
Rįzųrédgé |
razoredge.ai |
3 |
Marshall |
-10 |
400 |
4 |
Anorexia |
anorexia.ai |
2 |
James Press |
-167 |
400 |
2 |
Achilles2 |
achilles2.ai |
1 |
Hawk Artificials |
-13 |
400 |
4 |
Arev |
arev.ai |
14 |
Nait Padilla |
-622 |
300 |
4 |
Spinda |
spinner.ai |
13 |
Alan K. |
-13 |
300 |
1 |
Gunner2 |
gunner2.ai |
12 |
Alpha Squad |
-62 |
300 |
1 |
Betelgeus |
betelgeuse.ai |
11 |
EP |
-419 |
300 |
15 |
Careful |
srsuper.ai |
10 |
Nico |
-328 |
300 |
9 |
MineBug |
minebug.ai |
9 |
[KrazY_IvaN] |
-215 |
300 |
1 |
Dragoon |
dragoon.ai |
8 |
Lucas |
-215 |
300 |
2 |
corner guard.ai |
7 |
billy "the master" mailman |
-13 |
300 |
2 |
tian.ai |
6 |
Nait Padilla |
-263 |
300 |
6 |
BanshÉÉ |
banshee.ai |
5 |
Tony Dwyer bdwyer@prodigy.net |
-214 |
300 |
Prvt Pike |
homeguard2.1.ai |
4 |
Robert Jessop |
-113 |
300 |
1 |
Crow |
crow v 0.2.ai |
3 |
Crow |
-14 |
300 |
3 |
9 |
George |
george.ai |
2 |
Marc Cole |
-419 |
300 |
C'n'D |
confusedanddazedv6rv.ai |
1 |
Nutty |
-113 |
300 |
1 |
S.K. II |
schrodinger's kitten2.1.ai |
13 |
Robert Jessop |
-59 |
200 |
3 |
17 |
Enterpris |
enterprise.ai |
12 |
Jacob Bates |
-215 |
200 |
3 |
Biltong |
biltong.ai |
11 |
Daniel Smith |
-725 |
200 |
1 |
StarFleet |
starfleet.ai |
10 |
Marco Bresciani |
-419 |
200 |
1 |
§µrµr IV |
_cbot1.ai |
9 |
Coyote |
-419 |
200 |
2 |
Chisbug F |
chisbugf.ai |
8 |
Chisel |
-328 |
200 |
2 |
HunterZ |
hunterz.ai |
7 |
The Ghost Riders |
-373 |
200 |
1 |
Mr E-S. |
anonymous.ai |
6 |
Unknown |
-373 |
200 |
[NT]Mabus |
mabus.ai |
5 |
Ashley Rolleston |
-266 |
200 |
6 |
snowFlake |
snowflake.ai |
4 |
Willhart |
-173 |
200 |
1 |
Minotaur |
minotaur.ai |
2 |
gsman |
-878 |
200 |
2 |
5 |
nApAlm2 |
napalm.ai |
1 |
Tony Dwyer |
-435 |
200 |
2 |
Fortress of Flags
GameBoy Advance
Adventure Stidio
Retired Games
Home Arcade
A.I. Wars Featured 9/98
A.I. Wars Awarded